Tithes & Offering
As disciples of Christ, we encourage our members to tithe according to the Bible, and give generously to the Building and Mission Funds. This enables our church to fulfill its mission of loving God, loving people and making disciples. There are two ways in which you can give:
ways you can GIVE:
Evangelical Community Church Inc.
Please include your name and the purpose of your gift in the direct debit reference. For offerings, please indicate the congregation you attend if possible.
General Fund (tithes and offering)
ANZ Bank
BSB: 013-148
Account no.: 1984-15219
Building Fund
Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 063-109
Account no.: 1237-3647
Mission Fund
ANZ Bank
BSB: 013-148
Account no.: 4838-07967
In Person
Giving envelopes are available for cash and cheque donations at the church foyer.